
Showing posts from 2021

Healing the Inner Child - 2

  When I had begun my inner child healing, it was all about identifying why certain things trigger me the way they do. The triggers keep coming up even now and as I have previously mentioned healing is a continual process. In the blog related to inner child healing  (  I talked about meditation and how to practice forgiveness. This blog is to try and give you an idea as how to encourage your inner child to grow and blossom without fear so that you can be free and get in touch with your authentic self. I had written another blog  (  which took me down memory lane to identify the things I loved doing so that I may take up a few of those lost hobbies and get in touch with that part of myself again. To be really honest with you, I have reached a place where I hardly recognize myself anymore. Life do...

Mala's Story

  This story is loosely based on the story of a mother and daughter I knew for a couple of years during our stay in Bangalore in 1986. The story has been fictionalized; the names changed as well but the basic core of the story is very real. I was a girl of twelve when my mother told me this poignant tale, for I had witnessed the rather appalling and heart wrenching change of the girl in question. I had made a quiet promise to never get married, if at all I did, till I was financially independent. Of course, I had to convince myself that studies were a nightmare I had to go through which would save me from all the bogey men and their terrors! Credits:   Like most girls, Mala had been ingrained with the idea of growing up to get married, have a home of her own and children to look after. At sixteen, she was impatiently waiting to have a taste of marital bliss. Her marriage had been fixed with her maternal uncle, Raghu, as is prevalent in some states in southern I...

One Crime, One Punishment

The Indian Penal Code definitely talks about it and it probably holds good in many other countries as well, if I am not wrong. It makes sense to penalize a person once for a single crime they commit. You cannot keep punishing a person over and over again for that one mistake they made. If the offence is severe, the punishment is severe; if there are multiple crimes then there are multiple punishments. So, the legal system is all in place with their laws to serve us justice. We want nothing less. Do keep this thought with you even though what is coming just after this bears no link with it! Every human being is working towards expansion, in whatever limited way they can. Everyone dreams big whether or not they have the grit to make it a reality. The ones who are actually toiling want to make huge success, even if they say they are just going with the flow. They dream of luxuries, of fame and fortune, of arm candy- the list is endless and the dreams may vary. Film stars, political lead...

Anything is Fine!

  Take one guess as to what sparked this blog! Indecision over the menu! I would never want to be the waiter of a polite group! I might end up waiting forever. When our family goes out, the menu invariably reaches me with a “You order”. Is it because I am a foodie while the others are not? NO. I enjoy food indeed but so does my family. Is it because others in my family are indecisive? Absolutely not! With a majority being fixed signs, most of the family are headstrong with absolutely clear and fixed ideas save for my brother and daughter, who are willing to experiment! Then, why don’t they order? No one wants to hear a “no, not that” every time they open their mouth, perhaps. Do I enjoy it? Of course not! Yet, I cannot stand the ambivalence and I know that the minute I open my mouth and order, the order will be replaced quickly in the way they always wanted it, which would be different from what I had ordered. Then, why on earth didn’t they do so in the first place, you’d wonder!! ...

The Roaring Pride of the Zodiac: Leo!

   Credits: How I wish I could’ve written this blog on time and ushered in the Leo Season (21Jul-22Aug) with it! Nothing is ever too much or too showy for the regal Lioness/Lion/Lion-cub! Unfortunately, it just wasn’t meant to be and now as we are well into the Virgo season, I get this urge to do this blog right now! I do not have the patience to write it and keep it aside for next Leo season either! At the end of the day, does it really matter? Anytime is a good time to hail the children of the Sun! For those of you who have been following me for a while, you would know that I have written a blog each for the Aquarian woman (applicable to men broadly, as well) and the centaur tribe aka Sagittarius. In both those blogs, it was my take on how I view each of those signs due to my experience and having read a lot about the zodiacs to be able to compare the two. Before I carry on, let me talk about an aspect that has become so clear to me since gett...

A Gateway to Transformation!

Tomorrow, on 21August21, my blog turns four! This post also happens to be my 100 th ! That calls for double celebration! What if I told you that I am reaching another milestone tomorrow?! Well, I am completing my 21-day Better Living Course with the Yoga Institute. My hundredth blog is my tribute to the Yoga institute, for doing so much in these 20days, for me, giving me hope that despite all my wrong choices in the past, I can still transform and live a wholesome life! Doesn’t that sound too good to be true? It is and it isn’t! If I follow the regimen and the tenets; make it a way of life, it will be a win-win situation for me or else, as one of the quotes we had to ponder on says “teachers open doors for you, but you must enter by yourself”, I shall remain at the threshold unable to drink from the cup before me! This blog is also my gift to you dear reader for being here and egging me on. If you can benefit from it, I shall be happy and fulfilled. Credits: The Yoga Ins...

Leadership or Thirst for Power?

  For those who have been following this blog space for a while, you would know that I seldom watch the News or read the papers because my sanity is dear to me. News trickles down anyway but watching it firsthand or reading it for myself affects me in a big way especially since I am an empath and more so, since I am not adept at shaking off or cleansing other energies. And yet, I broke the rule and watched it yesterday- on YouTube by accident and then those eyes led me to watch TV… As I write this, the Taliban have taken over Afghanistan and are trying to ensure a smooth transfer of power. The President and Vice President are believed to be leaving the country. I guess the choice was life! Those eyes, that I mentioned are of an unknown girl, maybe ten or eleven, who among heavily veiled women were rushing off the streets perhaps, and she stopped to see when the camera caught her, her beautiful weather-beaten face devoid of expression but for those eyes ! I don’t remember which c...

The Role Fasting Has Played in My Life!

  Fasting is a trend now from a health point of view. You have the 16:8 fasting and different varieties depending on whom you follow. However, before making fasting scientific in the manner it is being made today, it was an age-old ritual followed in all traditional religions if I am not mistaken. Patterns may vary. Be it Lent before Easter, Ramzan/Ramadan before Eid or the number of fasts in the Hindu tradition especially in India, for every occasion and region for instance the two Navratris, Chhat pooja, the 41 days fast during the Sabarimala season and many more which we might touch upon as we progress. Actually, our forefathers were more aware and mindful of their bodies and hence these traditions were made as a maintenance practice for our systems. They added a religious connotation to it so that people would follow it. Faith can move mountains! In this blog, I shall cover my relationship with fasting. Now, why would I want to write a blog about that?? Well, I have an hour t...