When Did Being Nice to People Become "People Pleasing"?

Credits: anaanyatyagi on instagram Have you noticed little kids walk up to you with flowers/ shiny objects or anything they hold dear, if they like you? Have you ever had a welcome more endearing than that given to you by your furry buddy? Why, retrievers pick up their favourite toy or anything they can get their snout on and come to you with their tails and behinds shaking vigorously! What is your reaction when you are at the receiving end of this affection/adoration? Does it raise an eyebrow or does it make you feel make you feel on top of the world? I am guessing that in a normal world of sane people this would bring warmth to your heart and a big smile to your face! My question is when did the happiness of a flower given to you by a kindergartner turn into buttering up the teacher in grade one/two? Till date, when I am happy and when I love or even like someone dearly/not so dearly, I instinctively want to do something for them, to see a smile on their face. It brings a bro...