Quarter of a Jumbone?!!! Hooman Stinks!

Hi! Em Joey and em gonna be 9 months soon but the way these hoomans have started scrimpin on my treats, looks as tho em gonna stay this big forever. Hopin’ I don’t shrivel up! Credits: Me Sis They no like this b4. About 2 weeks ago, I very happy pupper. Big bro came home. I love him. He no lazy like Mum n Sis. He faster than Dad. He play a lot. Sis pets a lot n sumtimes it’s a heckin big concern when she does a smother. Mum is grumpy about everythin’- grumpy if I choo table, grumpy if I choo chair, grumpy if I choo carpet- she jus a grumpy ol’ woman but she give yummy foond. She shares from her plate the yummiest yums. Dad is super cool. He my favrit. He slower than bro but spends a lot more time. He smells like me. Sometimes he bees a pest and get after my ears to put stench drops but mostly he be cool. Now, big bro sleeps a lot, he takes me shorter walks, he n sis bore me with their chats and screens and sumtime they run after me when I about to sleep. Sum timing! Dad...