
Showing posts from March, 2020

Quarter of a Jumbone?!!! Hooman Stinks!

Hi! Em Joey and em gonna be 9 months soon but the way these hoomans have started scrimpin on my treats, looks as tho em gonna stay this big forever. Hopin’ I don’t shrivel up! Credits: Me Sis They no like this b4. About 2 weeks ago, I very happy pupper. Big bro came home. I love him. He no lazy like Mum n Sis. He faster than Dad. He play a lot. Sis pets a lot n sumtimes it’s a heckin big concern when she does a smother. Mum is grumpy about everythin’- grumpy if I choo table, grumpy if I choo chair, grumpy if I choo carpet- she jus a grumpy ol’ woman but she give yummy foond. She shares from her plate the yummiest yums. Dad is super cool. He my favrit. He slower than bro but spends a lot more time. He smells like me. Sometimes he bees a pest and get after my ears to put stench drops but mostly he be cool. Now, big bro sleeps a lot, he takes me shorter walks, he n sis bore me with their chats and screens and sumtime they run after me when I about to sleep. Sum timing! Dad...

A Simple Appeal: WAKE UP DODOS!

It is 1227h in Hyderabad, India and I am sitting here typing, when there are a pile of jobs waiting for me to tackle. The situation is getting grim the world over but this fact has not percolated down to everybody. On one hand, people believe the Governments are overreacting while on the other hand they themselves are hoarding supplies and going out over and over again to get them- that lousy mask is going to protect them from God itself leave alone Corona! They were born invincible! This syndrome of telling everyone else to take precautions but not practicing what they preach because “it can’t happen to us” is the cause of this uncontrolled situation which is getting worse by the minute. I sent my maid back a week ago and told her to stay put and that I would give full wages to her if she just stayed at home. Apparently, the other women she works for don’t agree and have asked her to work and when I spoke to her yesterday, she was still suffering from a terrible cold and sa...

All for a Wedding?!

Credits: King Midas, in Greek mythology, popular for his golden touch is known to all of us. He who had the power to turn anything to gold, by a boon that was granted to him, died due to starvation because even food turned into the precious metal at his touch! With no such boon and thankfully, no such desire, my story is naturally very different as you will soon find out! It so happens that after a lot many years, a wedding is going to happen in our family. My beautiful niece is about to tie the knot in May this year and so there is great excitement all around. While I am very happy for her I absolutely dislike weddings but let’s not go there! Credits: For all the cribs I have, I must admit that the Malayali weddings are a rare lot of fuss-free weddings, in a country like ours! Hindu weddings in Kerala are a blink and miss affair but for me even that seems stretched! North Indian weddings are so elaborate that you’d go dizzy at th...