
I get a frantic call early one morning. My mother! She never calls so early I thought and quickly sent up a prayer for all to be well. It was and it wasn’t. By God’s grace, Daddy and she were fine but she had witnessed poltergeist in real life! “My phone is making calls and sending voice messages on its own”, she blurts out hysterically. “X Aunty said that some gibberish via voice mail was posted on the society group from my number. I have also been told I’ve been calling people whom I never called.” I had just finished my meditation but the effects of it wore out instantly and I said, “You must have pressed something without realizing it” to which she snapped with a “Don’t teach me! I know how to handle a phone.” Apparently, the poltergeist had stopped fiddling with her old phone and started attacking her new one. “We’ll ...