Is Responsibility Meant to be Only in a Few Hands?

Credits: As I sit helpless and frustrated in a pool of tears, I cannot wonder why we as a race are not responsible! Why is responsibility palmed off so easily even when we have the power to set things right? I had been eyeing my unusually dirty buckets for the past two days and making a note to tell the cleaner to clean it while doing a temporary cleaning act after my bath. As is common place with me these days, the minute I exit a room, I forget about it because each new room I enter has a whole list of things waiting to be sorted. So it took me two days before I got the cleaner to clean all the buckets and mugs which is a huge decision for me due to the water shortage we face. After those were made sparkly, my husband observes that the water is dirty and I realize it wasn’t the buckets but the water. While flowing from the taps, water didn’t look muddy but indeed it was! Credits: So, early next morning the man who made the observation...