Past Life Regression

Credts: In the early 2000s, a channel had launched a serial of limited episodes in which volunteers w ith nagging problems were hypnotized and taken to their previous births. They would rattle out all that they could see and end up narrating some traumatic experience or the other, that happened then and which was still wreaking havoc in their present day lives. The hypnotist would say encouraging words to their patient, healing those wounds in the process and then, slowly get them back to the present. The show was replete with drama and it had me hooked. However, it stopped abruptly but continued to stay in my mind albeit dormant. I love mysticism, astrology and predictions- and have been intrigued by the unknown from my early years. (At this point I must add that I am not the Baba kind, just in case you label me as such!) Lack of Google while growing up has possibly kept me sane so far. I say so because I am forever checking something on these lines; there is plenty...