
Showing posts from February, 2018

Lunches with Daddy

Credits: Credits:   Every little girl is her Daddy’s little princess and her Daddy will always be her one and only Real Hero! Credits: Recently, my mother left for Kerala to meet her sister. She was having withdrawal symptoms, not having seen her in nearly two years. The plan would have materialized earlier had my father agreed to accompany her. He refused. My father does not like travelling too much anymore. It is only when I relocated to the same city that Ma had this golden opportunity for I could look after father, while she would enjoy her break from the kitchen and mundane activities without guilt.   Try as we might, we could not convince Daddy to stay with us but with great difficulty I made him promise to have lunch with me every day. “I don’t like being bulldozed this way. I’ll come when I want to. I don’t need an invitation to come to my daughter’s house” and much more happened before he said okay. After all,...

Children of a Lesser God?

Nearly ten years ago, I got a break courtesy a friend, to write for a publishing house for children’s books. The first and second books were books of one hundred essays and a lot of other forms of creative writing. The topics were handed over to me. The first book was for the students of the primary section while the second was for the secondary age group. Credits: Credits: The topics for the essays for the secondary section astounded me. I had not known about a few of the topics given to me till I reached college and I was to write about those for kids that young?! My son was nearly ten then and would be eligible to read the book in a year or two. Would I want him to read it? As I tackled the topics, I wrote as honestly as I could, keeping in mind my son so that my conscience remained clear that I was giving children to read what I thought was appropriate for my own.  Credits: It is only then that I actually gave this topic muc...

The Wait...

Credits: “Waiting for Godot” by Samuel Beckett is a play that expresses, through the eternal wait for a person called Godot by the two main protagonists, the themes of the boring futility of man’s existence and how we amuse ourselves with one silly thing after another, just to kill time on the planet. “Even the serious situations in life are ridiculous from a certain perspective.” Despite this and many discourses from learned men and much literature that tells us to sail through all situations in life through equanimity, we continue to hope, work for and wait for something better or brighter to happen. Credits: There is one kind of waiting in which you know for certain that the duration of the wait is finite and that reward is certain. The arrival of a friend or relative expected on a certain day; it is bound to happen- plus minus a few hours! The second kind of wait is when the reward is certain but the wait could be anything from a d...