
Showing posts from June, 2023

11 Years Later

  Heeding the Call of My Inner Child and that of my North Node. I belong to Kerala, as in both my parents and all my relatives hail from there. I was neither born nor brought up in God’s own country. I had the blessing of being an Indian first before associating myself with a state since my father served in the Indian Air Force and we pretty much lived a nomadic life, which I loved. However, we remained connected to our roots thanks to our bonding with our relatives whom we adored and still do. Summer holidays meant a trip to Kerala by train from no matter where we were. I feel the excitement of my childhood even as I type and have a huge smile on my face! The change in the soil and vegetation which was torturous to me back then because it was usually a lesson in geography, was one of the most beautiful and magical things about the train journey as I grew up and to this day, the excitement I feel on a train is unparalleled. As a kid I was closest to my maternal grandfather an...