Rubbed the Wrong Way Again?
“I am a peace-loving person. I have no time, inclination nor space for drama in my life and yet, I always manage to have people around me who can be nasty and who rub me the wrong way.” Do you ever hear yourself say that or find yourself thinking that? If so, this blog is for you. I had an epiphany of sorts after a tarot reading by Avalon Intuitive. It hit me hard because I grumble and the statement above has done many a round, in my head. It is the reason (over the years I realise) for my transition from an extrovert/ambivert to a complete introvert. I didn’t see it this way at all. Subconsciously, my building walls around myself and staying away from people more and more was due to the reluctance to say it like it is when things got uncomfortable. Don’t get me wrong. I am not the quiet, submissive variety at all. I get rejoinders, repartees, retorts and whatever you may like to call them, bathed in sarcasm too, immediately and with so much of Aquarius and Libra in my charts I...