
Showing posts from January, 2018

The Hyderabad Literary Festival 2018

Credits: Even as India was celebrating its glorious 69 th Republic Day on 26Jan2018, Hyderabad had opened its doors to welcome book lovers, writers, authors and journalists across countries to the prestigious Hyderabad Literary Festival 2018, which was to be a three day affair.  I was super excited about these developments which I had learnt about by chance just a week prior due to some advertisement that caught my eye. I had to go, considering the fact that I had never been to one and somehow, I had begun to believe, I’d be a lesser writer if I didn’t. Notwithstanding the fact that I had never had an opportunity before or that I was so caught up in my day to day existence, I would read about it and somewhere make myself believe, I’d never reach that league of intellectuals! And so when something as lucrative as this came right before my eyes, at the right time, I took it as a sign. I made the decision to attend. This was the easy part! Then came all ...

What's in it For Me?

Man is a part of the Animal Kingdom as we all know and it is the superior brain that we possess that has made us rule the world, brought about its glory and in the bargain brought it closer to destruction. Credits: The basic instinct of an animal is survival. For the human being too it was always a question of “roti, kapda aur makaan” (food, clothing and shelter) and the shelter led to propagation of the species. Our merits have brought us this far and the knowledge we have mastered is immense but the basic instinct, no matter how well clothed, comes out. This happens to the best of men and women. “What’s in it for me?” This drives all our actions. Is survival wrong, you would ask? Of course there is nothing more precious than life- ours and those dearest to us-higher thinking and spirituality can take a walk for now!! Credits: I have pondered about this for a long, long while, over years in fact. I think of what my parents have taught me- the...

First thoughts of 2018- Here and now!

Credits: Hap py New Year! I had intended to write on the first day of the New Year so that I’d keep blogging all through the year but it wasn’t meant to be…   Credits: Nine days into 2018 and nothing spectacular has happened except the only miracle we seem so oblivious of- Life! Okay, we did celebrate two decades of being a couple day before yesterday in a special sort of way. He went to work even on a Sunday and I was teaching my daughter History till past our dinner time… Today is the first day in a long long while, where I have got solitude and good health together and here I am typing with great fervor not knowing where this is leading! I have been trying hard and consciously to live in the present and being aware of it- from moment to moment. It is liberating when I am successful. How our mind works is a wonder! Effortlessly, it takes us to our doom as we get engrossed in the myriad pictures and memories it conjures up and entice...