When You Long For it All...
Credits: pinterest.com Returning from one of those rare evening walks with my husband, I stopped at the elevator as my knees were hurting. As luck would have it, it was on the topmost floor and would take a few minutes to reach us. I was adamant to use the lift even though there were but a few steps to climb so my husband waited with me and took it upon him to read all the notices on the notice board that hung on the left wall; something I hardly ever do for most of the notices are regarding meetings and social evenings, none of which appeals to me. Presently, he drew my attention to a notice pinned right at the top in bold, capital letters and said, “Your friend.” My interest piqued, I read the short notice and was shocked at its contents. “Vimla” is what we shall call her to maintain her privacy even though I am completely sure that she would never read this article. Ethics are ethics whether anyone sees it or not! Nearly two years ago, I shifted into these apartment...