
Chai: That Cup of Tea

Photo by David Mao on Unsplash   On a long drive back from the cool and pristine hills of Ooty, drunk on its tea plantations and towering Eucalyptus trees and presently, caught in the heavy traffic of Bengaluru, we were tired, my husband and I, and would turn the radio on from time to time to drown the monotony of inching forward. On one such occasion, the RJ announced that it was International Tea Day; 21st of May! She went on and on about one thing after another while I was thinking about this was one drink, apart from the elixir of life, of course, that made many a day worth living. It has given me, that much needed boost to make it through, on days when I did not believe I could or that comforting relief from a blistering headache when water, bananas and analgesics failed to work their magic. As I thought about the beverage, which was nothing fancy, but a must have for so many of us from all walks of life and all cultures, the world over, I decided it actually did need a day earma

What Does My Dream Life Look Like?

  I have taken a week off from the tarot world and every other world to concentrate on myself, a long-neglected self. No YouTube tracking and no Insta. No games except for a few quizzes on Sporcle, from the desktop and not phone. I actually deleted the crossword game that I was having so much fun with. I had solved 106 plus crossword in two days. Yes, I am a game addict. Deleted. Today is the sixth day and I haven’t had epiphanies of any kind. I have had a haircut though, an at-home spa day, been working on my plants, a bit more physical activity which, I am sure, can do with a lot of improvement and have been incorporating fruit into my diet- as fruit - not pies or dessert. And lots of water. The idea behind this whole exercise was to take a first step towards actually understanding myself from within. And so, most importantly, I have dedicated some time to doing nothing. Letting my thoughts flow while doing nothing. Out of the blue, a question popped up in my head a couple of day

2024: Strength Redefined

Fifteen days into the year, I take this opportunity to wish YOU my dear readers and your loved ones a Happy and Blessed 2024! Had I known that the first day/s would leave me drained enough to not write this blog intended for the first day of the year, I would've surely wished you on the blog that I wrote and posted on the last day of the year gone by! Believe me when I say, I tried. The opening word has been changed from "as we step into' to three to five to ten and now fifteen! Hopefully, it should reach you today...fingers crossed. 2024 adds up to an 8 (Einstein!!) and the number is symbolic of the tarot card Strength! It is the card that represents Leo, which should be no surprise! This card, as should be expected, stands for courage and valour. It talks about inner strength. The depiction on the traditional tarot deck is beautiful as you can see below. The Strength Card from the Original Rider Waite Tarot! Credits: Canva & Self A woman is caressing a lion while he

Reflections: 2023

  It is the last day of this blessed year and it is only natural to want to reflect on the year that is about to leave us for good, either into a journal or into a blog or to take stock in your mind. How else can you learn from the experiences made and take the wisdom forward? For the mindful and those who reflect every single night before they hit the sack, this may not be needed but for most of us who fail to get a hold on things and just go through the motions, trying to be fair by everybody, getting bruised in the bargain, this is important. Musings (while unlearning?) being the only hope to leave the baggage that did not serve us and move into the new year with hope, fresh energy and a never say die spirit. After a trying 2021 and 2022, this year began as a welcome change for me. Everyone left home for a good three months and it felt like a drop of water to parched lips in an unforgiving desert. I love my family but I realise that I might have had a breakdown, if this change did n

The Shiny Blue Car

  Photo by 𝗔𝗹𝗲𝘅 𝘙𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘳 on Unsplash Meera walked in to find a desperate Jessie trying to reason with Danny while he continued unabashedly. His tantrums were getting increasingly difficult to handle. Both caught a glimpse of Meera together and for a moment there was silence accompanied with hope in Danny’s eyes and relief in Jessie’s. She nodded to Jessie, her eyes conveying a thank you as well as a confirmation that she would now take over. A grateful Jessie took the cue and was gone for a welcome weekend even as Meera looked into Danny’s eyes. However, Danny was looking towards the door in anticipation knowing that unlike Jessie, Meera would take him to the park to show him the shiny blue car. He had calmed down by now, tantrum forgotten. Meera barely had time to catch her breath but she knew Danny was waiting for this moment. She shut the door after her and led Danny to the elevator. He refused as always, so they went down the stairs. She thanked her stars, yet again, t

Earth Angels in the Age of Aquarius!

Earth Angels are beings that are here to save the Earth and must be hailed as such. Let us transform and be one! The Earth, our Mother, is crying for help and we are aware of it. The enormity of work required to set things right is enough for most people to feign indifference as a defense mechanism or even easier, blame it on the Government!  Do not get me wrong; there are a lot of Earth Angels working individually or in organizations of different kinds and NGOs, along with the Governments, that are working diligently to save the planet even as some of us couldn't be bothered with putting trash in separate bins if we are not fined or for that matter, putting trash into any bin!! I like to believe that all humans are born good. Education (not just books) and circumstances be it family, economic background, guidance or lack of it, and so much more contribute to our world view. Despite everything, everyone deep down inside, and in the presence of the devil within each of us, still has

It is What it is!

Credits: Acceptance, that all is as it should be, while diligently staying the course and following your inner guidance is the recipe for eternal happiness and well-being. Sometimes, it is as simple as that. It is what it is. In fact, it has always been like that but when circumstances are in our favour, who cares. No one wants to hear it when things are not too great either. We want what we want and when we want it. We are ready to put in the work. In fact, we have put in a lot of work so when we do not see results the way we expect them, we get frustrated. Worse, if someone less worthy (in our eyes) gets a lot of success, with what we see as mediocre work, we go through phases of anger and self-pity, anxiety and depression depending on many factors. But, it is what it is! It does not matter whether you disagree; whether you clench your fists and scream "unfair"- it is what it is! So, what now? Do we give up? No. We just accept things as they are.