The Sign

Have you ever asked for a sign, from the Universe or God or the Angels, when you feel stuck? Have you received a sign? Were you open enough to receive it or even see it? Did you interpret it right? Long before I became a tarot reader or evenly actively started pursuing spirituality, I used to ask for signs and I always received it…through patterns in mosaic, as I was growing up and from clouds. As I started getting older, these simple answers turned into superstitions due to fear. The process became complex till it stopped being authentic or reliable. After embracing spirituality, the channels are open again, with awareness, with trust and absolutely no fear. For the past few days, from time to time, I have been feeling ill at ease for no reason and more stuck than ever. I have been asking for a sign. I have been seeing angel numbers but I wanted more. My children and for that matter, all children, from kids to adolescents to young adults are very clear in their thinking ...