
Showing posts from January, 2023

2023: Breaking Limitations!

 A Happy and Abundant 2023 Dear Readers and a chance to break all your limitations, little by little, till you are rid of everything that holds you back from reaching your fullest potential. I am not just preaching. I am putting it into practice even as I type this very line! How? Well, I am old school and I try my best to move ahead with the times and I am so empathetic towards the elderly (may not be patient but certainly empathetic) because I get them. I am them despite the fact that I have a little over a year to touch 50. Blame it on the fixed energy in my birth chart!!  The truth is I would never get over using my desktop and graduate on to a laptop since reaching the desktop was hard enough. I have still not given up my love for paper and pen and it breaks my heart that stationery shops are dwindling in number and in the choices they provide. I digress in my typical manner!! Well, I did buy myself a laptop last year and I have written a blog or two from it. And today, w...