Basic Skills to Survive When You Leave the Comforts of Home

People (read young adults) would much rather read a blog and learn than hear it from the old fogies (read parents) back home! Keeping that in mind this devious mother has chosen the topic for her son, who would leave home in less than a year if all goes well or in less than two years if he takes a drop year.

While the son cannot wait to fly the coop, the mother is all frantic about what her son is going to do considering the fact that she has spoilt him rotten in so many years! His training has started (errands for Mom- buying vegetables after identifying them for you’d be surprised how they forget them after kindergarten, groceries, giving clothes for ironing and collecting it, making tea…) because after this he would never be back in the same way as before- that’s the way it ought to be as well!  

The period between a young adult leaving home to the time he/she gets married is a long one in which he/she have to brave it out on their own. While in hostel the food is catered for, once they are on their own and working, they have to fend for themselves. While the option of ordering in/take away is always there, after a while the body does crave for some basic home cooked food! Apart from food, our young and promising GenZ population would benefit if they had a few DIY skills too. Keeping all this in mind, here is a quick list of skills to hone before you leave home plus some easy recipes that use minimum effort.

Basic Cleanliness and Personal Hygiene

     To spruce up a room instantly, do your beds first thing in the morning. Nothing elaborate; just fold the sheet/blanket and put back the duvet. Even if your room is a complete mess otherwise, this one tiny action will lend your pad a sense of order.

     If you need a bit more order, the study table can be given a quick uplift by just stacking stuff in neat piles.



    Learn to launder innerwear using your bare hands and learn to operate the washing machine for the rest. From what I picked up on the Ellen DeGeneres Show, the western world needs to learn the former skill while the kids of middle class homes of the Asian population and developing countries need to learn the latter.

   Always make sure the day prior that you have a clean pair of clothes ready for the following day. Do not pile up washing. Innerwear to be washed daily!!


  •  Waking Up- Learn to wake up to your alarm. No explanations needed. 

  •  Sewing- Learn how to sew a button. If possible a bit of hemming too.

  • Ironing- essential! Do not overlook it. 


  •  Milk/ Tea/Coffee- To be able to do this perfectly is important for we kick start the day with it. If this is smooth, we feel happy for the rest of the morning. Whether it is using a saucepan, kettle or microwave, to learn to make the above to your taste is a must. Learn at least what you like of the three options; better still to learn it all. It might come in handy if that special someone comes over!

  •  Eggs- Boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, fried eggs are good enough to survive; omelettes if you feel adventurous. For those who do not like the “egginess” of eggs extra black pepper or cheese or finely chopped capsicum will help.


  • Instant Noodles- Maggi, Wai Wai, Top Ramen, Ching’s Secret…long list. Let people look down upon these instant friends but they are great comfort foods. Carrots and capsicum (green pepper) add to the flavor.  

  •  Sandwiches- These are easy to make and you have varieties to choose from so do not always end up with bread and Nutella (this is especially for my son!!)

  •  Frying- Deep and shallow frying are two must learns too. With the kind of readymade stuff that the market offers, this can save your hungry tummy too. 

  • Tasty- Tried and tested, this YouTube channel has simple recipes that are absolutely delicious.


While in college/hostel and yet to earn, keep in mind that you are on someone else’s hard earned money, albeit your parents, who would gladly give you their all. Do not squander it away. A basic sum will be in your bank for your fee and some more; you will have some cash with you for expenditure on items like books and stationery, an occasional snack, toiletries and such like. Stay within your budget. There may be kids around you who are far more affluent. That is life. Do not compete foolishly. Do not take treats from friends if you cannot treat them in return, no matter how nice they are and how close you are. Work hard so that you get that lucrative dream job and will have enough to spend when you stand on your own two feet.

I think these skills will help you survive happily without stress. Last but not the least, keep in touch with those old fogies back home, not only when in trouble but just like that- an ops normal call to allow them to stay calm.

For all the Moms and Dads out there who might read this blog, feel free to add in the comments section, any skill I may have left out.



  1. You have nailed it this time too. Children should be prepared for stepping out. I also think you should write something for parents too, how to prepare ourselves to let the Cygnets fly.

    1. Thank You dodo a parent, I just take deep breaths when I get anxious...after all, we've managed okay and our kids are way smarter than us!!

  2. So handy!! Very interesting... I will have to refer to it again when the time comes......

    1. Thank You Twigs India :) You have a few more years before you fret!! ;)

  3. Nice and informative.. I have asked my daughter to read it... thanks for writing this.. as always it was a pleasure reading your blog.

  4. Thank you Sree...The mothers seem happy and am sure the kids are horrified by the same!! ;) :D


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