The Sign


Have you ever asked for a sign, from the Universe or God or the Angels, when you feel stuck? Have you received a sign? Were you open enough to receive it or even see it? Did you interpret it right?

Long before I became a tarot reader or evenly actively started pursuing spirituality, I used to ask for signs and I always received it…through patterns in mosaic, as I was growing up and from clouds. As I started getting older, these simple answers turned into superstitions due to fear. The process became complex till it stopped being authentic or reliable.

After embracing spirituality, the channels are open again, with awareness, with trust and absolutely no fear.

For the past few days, from time to time, I have been feeling ill at ease for no reason and more stuck than ever. I have been asking for a sign. I have been seeing angel numbers but I wanted more.

My children and for that matter, all children, from kids to adolescents to young adults are very clear in their thinking and asking them a question gives you a fresh take on everything and somehow lightens up the mood. My daughter is home for the holidays and I told her I haven’t been able to write anything for the longest time.

She sent me this and, in that order, (below) and told me to use them as a writing prompt which is why this blog is happening! I also got the sign I was looking for.

Credits: Pinterest
Credits: Pinterest


Credits: Pinterest

This reflected my current state and what led to it. The dog with a broad smile and a flower, was me, for most of my life. Happy, eager to please and see that everyone was happy. A major chunk of my life carried on like that till I stopped to reflect at 43! This is when my long and challenging healing journey began. All the pain and sorrow, the insecurities, the fear, anxieties and more, that I had almost effortlessly camouflaged behind the broadest of smiles, threatened to crush me if I ran away from them any longer.

Healing, of course, is an ongoing process and doesn’t stop unless we attain enlightenment but with every bit of effort we learn to break the shackles of our mind.

My second phase, started five to six years later after a lot of things had shaken me to the core. Spiritual awakenings and more helped me get out of the rather difficult first phase and a lot of people left my life or I walked away from them.

This second phase is beautifully depicted by the cat being independent, exploring by itself, stepping out of comfort zones. Now, these phases are not water-tight compartments and we can go back and forth courtesy our mind. I became a recluse. I have always been comfortable in my own company but now was vibing on another level altogether. At times, I would actually alienate people who wanted to see the old me.

I turned 50 this year, more than 8 months ago and I am in the third phase. My daughter, who has randomly picked three images, is going to be amused at how the three pictures made so many things clear to me. The man in a dinosaur costume, whose body language looks lonely, describes me now. All that healing and working on my self-worth and self-love have taken me away from people, who liked the old me, the smiley dog with the flower, not the cat with an attitude!

And that is okay by me. On some days, I crave companionship when I want to have a healthy debate or discussion but mostly, I am fine and happy. As long as I am learning and have my family, the lonely dinosaur, won’t stay lonely.

This isn’t the last phase either! There is so much to learn and experience from precious life. I got the sign. It was to put a finger on that gnawing feeling and these pics did it for me while sending me the message that it was time to get out of the comfort zone once more!

Look at the pictures again or maybe re-read the blog. Did you find a sign?


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