The Wait...

“Waiting for Godot” by Samuel Beckett is a play that expresses, through the eternal wait for a person called Godot by the two main protagonists, the themes of the boring futility of man’s existence and how we amuse ourselves with one silly thing after another, just to kill time on the planet. “Even the serious situations in life are ridiculous from a certain perspective.”

Despite this and many discourses from learned men and much literature that tells us to sail through all situations in life through equanimity, we continue to hope, work for and wait for something better or brighter to happen.

There is one kind of waiting in which you know for certain that the duration of the wait is finite and that reward is certain. The arrival of a friend or relative expected on a certain day; it is bound to happen- plus minus a few hours! The second kind of wait is when the reward is certain but the wait could be anything from a day to a week for example a parcel. The third kind of wait is when the waiting is of definite duration but the reward is doubtful – exam results!!! All these are minor bearable episodes.

The heavy ones which torment us are say waiting for a soldier to return by a dear one; waiting for your child to visit when you are old; waiting for a lover; waiting to get pregnant- the list is endless. These are heavy for neither the wait nor the reward is guaranteed and the reward means ever so much. These are the potential “Godots” of our lives. Our life ends up being a series of endless waits. Many a time disappointments happen, ending the wait. If it is a full stop at that, things improve after a while but what if you cannot get over it? Hope despite hope and futile waiting becomes a part of our miserable lives. We are all stuck in this snare, this web of wait and hope…

I am no exception. In fact, I can make this wait an obsession most of the time. Impatient and ready to conjure up the worst case scenario while considering myself to be the ultimate optimist with traces of realism here and there, I can work up a frenzy waiting for the maid in the morning, to the kids in the afternoon, the husband after that, parcels from Amazon, a letter from a friend and a call from someone pleasant!

However, I have an eternal waiting list too- the Godot waiting list which unfortunately seems to have an increasing number of entries. First and foremost is the never ending wait for those heartless digits on that cold weighing scale to dip! They even let me hallucinate once in a while before bringing me back to reality. This surely is Godot number one-thirty two years and counting, for a dip that will remain a dip!!

Godot number two is to somehow straighten out misunderstandings with a few dear friends who were once so dear (and still are to me) but are now polite strangers. The sad part is that it is happening at different stages in my life, beyond my control and I find it so difficult to come to terms with it, since it takes a long while for me to trust beyond a point. Yet, everyone has their reasons and everyone’s journey is their own, unique one. Neither side owes the other an explanation. Sadly, the drifting doesn’t seem to stop and the chasm widens making the wait eternal but the hope strong, on most days.

Godot three has not been as long as the other two but ten years now…waiting for a publisher to say something beyond wait, we will let you know!! The publisher changes but the wait does not…and to amuse myself I keep on typing incessantly and deleting and then typing some more. Hoping again that my words will be deeper, the story impactful, my message beneficial…and as an afterthought, a remuneration that is fat!
Interestingly, the wait is but an excuse for our soul to expand. The disappointments are a push to go beyond but the solution is just one and we all know it- it is called letting go. When we stop struggling and fighting and hoping and just accept whatever is, we are liberated.

What can I say, I am now waiting and hoping to get smarter and let go!!! Godot four!



  1. Wait.. true. The more i yearn for something.. The wait becomes unbearable.. And I become restless... The moment I let it go to hell.. My life becomes heaven. The fact remains.... We r passing our time on this planet.

    1. Hmmm...we know everything, it is just that putting it into practice is something else!!

  2. Sounds so much like our last actual conversation ! What strikes me though, is that if one is truly liberated from waiting, the lows are irrelevant but so are the highs , which would make life immensely boring.
    Which is why I shall leave this comment anonymously thereby giving you the gift of anticipation otherwise known as waitingtofindoutwhoonearthwasthatandwillIeverknow!��

    1. Hi Godot 5 in the making!!! What was our last conversation about? Don't do this to me...

  3. It's true that endless waiting list is long...again it's up to us to choose which one to wait on which one to let go....
    Enjoyed it reading as always..

    1. Thank you Shyam for your support...that choice is the devil!!

  4. Very well written and elaborated blog... you surely deserve the wait for a publisher to get over !!

    1. Thank you Rajat...let's hope that the publisher feels that way too!! ;)

  5. Finally read it!!!!! Looooooved it... So very apt. Heard Sushmita Sen first quote it - The only constant in life is Change! Am adding 'The Wait' to the list!! For now.. Godot next - Your next blog!!!

    1. Thank you Jiji...very much...for constant encouragement :)

  6. Wow!!!very well written blog. It is so correct our waiting list...oops our endless waiting list....but I tell u the more I wait I become restless and when I let go I am Soooo happy.

    1. Thank you Priya :*...I agree completely but to do so takes a lot of inner strength...and more importantly, to fight the urge to revert back!!

  7. I feel, what is life without a Godot! The wait gives rise to hope which in turn makes everyday so beautiful to live. One day soon my friend, one of my Godot will be met- I will get to read your books. Much hope to you

    1. Spoken like the dreamer and optimist that you are :) While this is true when things are happy, it can really bring you down when the wait carries on but the hope begins to dwindle...thank you dodo d :*

    2. Absolutely. Wait can be distressing too

  8. This is as deep as it gets. With some posts, I feel like you speak my mind...the foggy thoughts that I fail to put into clear words. Your clarity of thought, your penning of a phenomenon that is so vast yet so common is impeccable. You explain with examples and that makes it so wonderful to grasp. Its like we already know all of this but until someone puts it all in a chronological order of understanding, of what comes before and what after - the thoughts never become realizations. You blow my mind, and I love you for it. What a great way to end my day, Thank you.

  9. Thank you so much are too kind :)

  10. Let DotGo Or LetGo GotDot!!! Am working on it and wish you the same blogger dear.

  11. Beautifully put across...letting things go is an ongoing process and needs to be internalized!

    1. Thank you Monica :) You said is an ongoing process and we need the discipline and inner strength to do so.


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